Looking South from Shorts Track after a cold night camped on the tops of the Ngamoko Range. The big trees are kaikawaka (
Libocedrus bidwillii), the reddish shrubbery in the lower canopy is pepperwood (
Pseudowintera colorata), the bright green is mahoe (
Melicytus ramiflorus). Various other species in there, too.
All content © 2009 Pete McGregor
This view is mythic.
Makes me want to sit a spell and breathe faraway air.
The shape of those trees remind me of those beautiful Japanese paintings. stunning scenery!
Patricia, I hesitate to mention Tolkien's book and the recent films, but the connection is inescapable.
Michael, it's good air to breathe.
Watercats, true. Kaikawaka evoke all sorts of images; they're wonderful for stimulating memory and imagination.
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