We've had some spectacular light lately, with squalls passing over, interspersed with sun. It never seems to feel as warm as it looks, though. The tree in the foreground is a magnolia, those behind are pines and macrocarpas.
All content © 2009 Pete McGregor
Lovely! Our first day in NZ, we were walked into the Auckland airport and saw a massive, massive rainbow--probably the biggest I've ever seen. Y'all make real nice rainbows over there. =)
Maybe it has something to do with how clean the air is, Emma? (Well, not all of it, but most). I seem to recall the air from Baring Head (site of yesterday's bouldering photo) is (or was) captured and sent to labs around the world as a standard for air quality, because it's among the cleanest readily-accessible air in the world. Not much between it and Antarctica.
Or maybe it's just a reflection of how much rain we get... I mean refraction ;^P
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