March 2005. Morning mist clears from the Park Valley, the last major tributary of the Mungo headwaters, as my brother and I wait for the helicopter. We'd spent a week at Mungo hut, mostly rain-watching, but in Westland it pays to be philosophical about the weather.
All content © 2008 Pete McGregor
Kia ora Pete,
That is just stunning! The colours, the layers, the depth, the blue sky poking through the mist. A moment of perfection in the mountains. I hear them calling!
Not surprised this appealed to you, Robb :^) You'd love it there, although it's much wilder than the Ruahine — the rivers, being so steeply graded, are ferociously swift and powerful even when small; the mountainsides are bigger, steeper, and often more dissected; and bush bashing is usually a nightmare. Not necessarily better or worse than the Ruahine, but different; more extreme.
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