Would you buy a used car from any of these men? I thought not. However, cars weren't common then: horse, dray and shanks' pony were the common forms of transport. To be fair, I'll point out that the long exposure times needed for photographs during that time meant smiling wasn't feasible.
Actually, this is the MacKenzie County Council, photographed some time between 1883, when it was formed, and 1891. The men standing are (L-R): Captain Hayter, Andrew Cowan, [?] Milne, E. Dickson, R.L. Banks (engineer), R. Gillingham and J. Alves; the chairman, seated, is
John McGregor, my great-grandfather.
I'm not sure where the original negative or print of this photo is. My father copied it many years ago and I have a framed copy, which I photographed.
All content © 2009 Pete McGregor