Thanks Emma. Sometimes its nice not to see the whole bird.
RR, thank you. Parrots have two toes facing forward and two facing backwards (zygodactyly). My guess is that it's a good arrangement for grasping items like bits of roots or trampers' lunches.
Zhoen, wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to look back and see what they were really like, without all that filtering by reconstruction, extrapolation, guesswork, and artists' imaginations?
I can't tell if this photo has been retouched or not, though it feels like it. Something flat about the background...
Still, I never would have thought of a kea when first looking at the image (well, I've never really seen one either!) Something very dignified and confident about the stance.
Ooh, gorgeous! A jumble of rich textile! I love it.
That's beautiful, but I'm trying to work out how many toes he/she has, and how they function.
Thanks Emma. Sometimes its nice not to see the whole bird.
RR, thank you. Parrots have two toes facing forward and two facing backwards (zygodactyly). My guess is that it's a good arrangement for grasping items like bits of roots or trampers' lunches.
This makes me think dinosaurs weren't horrid and green, but subtle and rich and lovely - like this photo of one of their decedents.
Zhoen, wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to look back and see what they were really like, without all that filtering by reconstruction, extrapolation, guesswork, and artists' imaginations?
How did you know I've always wanted a time machine?
Well, and teleportation.
This is stunning. The details look like a combination of things that seem disparate, but yet are wholly together and beautiful.
I can't tell if this photo has been retouched or not, though it feels like it. Something flat about the background...
Still, I never would have thought of a kea when first looking at the image (well, I've never really seen one either!) Something very dignified and confident about the stance.
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