Yesterday hardly seemed like winter. The plum near the gate hummed with bees; sun soaked into everything; lambs slept in the middle of the paddock, undisturbed by any trace of a breeze. But the forecasters tell us bad weather's on the way. I guess winter's not gone yet.
All content © 2009 Pete McGregor
That photo is so perfect i could almost smell the flower.
Wonderful stuff - i bet you could make my street look beautiful (well...nearly anyway!)
Plum blossom makes me happy. As Hungry Pixies said, you can almost smell this photo.
"I guess winter's not gone yet."
Turituri! I refuse to believe that :-)
Thanks, Hungry Pixie :^) I seem to recall you have some nice places nearby, though. Within biking distance, at least.
Anne-Marie, yes. I agree. Most remiss of me. I, too, refuse to believe winter hasn't gone. :^)
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