Lapwings yell from a small, rocky mudbank a little way from shore; two black-necked swans cruise in the distance; a Magellanic oystercatcher probes among the stones; a few crested ducks float quietly. A cool but pleasant breeze wrinkles the water shortly before brief, light drizzle.
Voices in the distance; the continuous, deep hum of a boat engine; gently lapping water; the sulphurous smell of decaying sea lettuce. I walk back towards town along the waterfront past an almost collapsed fence — three thin rails on leaning pickets, what remains of the white paint now scaly and flaking, streaked with orange and red from the rusting nails — and cut up towards the centro under a hazy sky streaked with cloud and patches of blue. I love this beautiful, flawed, impermanent world.
[24 November 2011, Panasonic Lumix GH1, 14–45 mm at 45 mm, ISO 200, 1/200 at f16]
All content © 2011 Pete McGregor
I love a photo that at first glance seems empty, but the more I gaze, the more appears.
I wonder why I think, 'Steinbeck'?
You gave us this moment to love this beautiful, flawed impermanent world with you.
Zhoen, me too.
RR, I read somewhere a while ago that Steinbeck was out of fashion, but I'll take that as a compliment. I'm sure The Log from the Sea of Cortez influenced many aspects of my life; writing's probably one of those.
Robin, it's a joy to share moments like this with people who appreciate their significance. :^)
You KNOW perfectly well that it's a great compliment!
Thank you, RR :^)
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