Dusk on the last day of the journey from Puerto Natales to Puerto Montt, in southern Chile. We reached Puerto Montt shortly before midnight and disembarked yesterday morning; I caught a bus to Puerto Varas and this afternoon travel to Pucón. I fly from Santiago to Auckland late on the 15th. Time is relative to the amount left.
[8 December 2011, Panasonic Lumix GH1, 14–45 mm at 45 mm, ISO 200, 1/30 at f5.6]
All content © 2011 Pete McGregor
Wishing you more safe journeys and happy family and friends reunions in due course.
Thank you, RR :^)
I think a 'welcome home' pint is in order. Viv and Tony are doing a BBQ on Saturday if you're suitably recovered. :)
Andrew, a welcome home pint sounds wonderful. I'm staying a day in Auckland though, so will miss the BBQ.
Recovery shouldn't take too long, especially after the bandages come off and the bruising subsides. I got swiped by a car in Pucon a couple of days ago — broken nose (& consequent shiners), big cut on my forehead (don't know how many sutures, but it took a long time and two doses of anaesthetic). No lasting damage, though, and (touch wood) no disruption to travelling back to NZ.
I hadn't heard about the crash until Viv told me at the BBQ. At least it was at this end of the trip rather than the beginning.
Will catch up once you've settled back into the Valley.
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