Still a few hours from the end of the sea journey and the sun went down, the light began to fade, everything softened. The beat of the engines continued unabated. Everyone came on deck, unable to resist the last of the light.
Merry Christmas everyone. Thanks for calling in, even if you seldom or never leave a comment (but special thanks to those who do, and, in doing so, encourage me to keep posting). Be kind to each other; make the world an even better place.
[8 December 2011, Panasonic Lumix GH1, 14–45 mm at 14 mm, ISO 200, 1/6 at f11]
All content © 2011 Pete McGregor
I will, promise. Good yule.
You have captured that beautiful soft light at the going down of the sun really well. Thank you. And a Merry Christmas to you too (ours is nearly over).
Merry Christmas Pete. I've enjoyed all of your photos...
Merry Christmas to you, Pete. Thanks for going to places I know I'll never go, and for enriching my life with your photos.
PS-- that deleted comment was mine. I really don't like typos!
Zhoen, likewise, and thank you for such consistent and thoughtful encouragement. Very best wishes to you, D and Moby :^)
Elephant's Child, thank you — and ours here in Aotearoa was over even sooner! ;^)
Maureen, I know you and Eric will have a great Christmas with the hummingbirds. I really hope we get to hang out together again in the not too distant future. Meanwhile, happy and safe travels!
Robin, thank you. I'm sure I've said this before, but when I'm travelling I feel as if I'm doing so not just for myself but for my friends who don't have these opportunities. The sharing's crucial. Best wishes to you and Roger for a great New Year.
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