On my way down the No. 1 Line track a couple of days ago I stopped to try to photograph a riroriro (grey warbler) — an exercise in frustration (I did manage some passable photographs, though). Soon after I began the attempt, this little miromiro (North Island tomtit, and yes those names are very similar) showed up. The mottling on her head suggests she's a juvenile.
All content © 2014 Pete McGregor
Absolutely charming, and obviously finding you equally interesting.
Thanks for your patience and skill - I haven't knowingly seen a miromiro in the flesh, do enjoy the song and activity of riroriro. So difficult to photograph! I have taken the liberty of tweeting a link.
RR, they do seem curious — they seem to make a point of spending a few minutes checking me out before losing interest and carrying on with their clearly more interesting lives elsewhere.
Helen, thank you, and I hope you do get a chance to see miromiro some time. They're delightful little birds.
Curiouser and curiouser.
Zhoen — a miromiro called Alice? Now I'm beginning to wonder which character I might be. The (Mad) Hatter, maybe?
Caterpillar, maybe? Cheshire Cat, probably.
:) — or should that just be ) ?
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