At the top of the No. 1 Line track this morning, a little jumping spider scuttled around on the dead tree next to the seat. Bright sunlight's horrible for photography, but I tried anyway.
[15 January 2014, Olympus OM-D EM-1, 60 mm f2.8 Macro , ISO 400, 1/400 at f4.5]
All content © 2013 Pete McGregor
Looks like an elderly guy with thick spectacles, wondering what you are about young man.
What a dear little chap. He'd make a nice soft toy for a little grand-daughter.
Wow. And I bet all those tiny hairs have the capacity to make you itch for days...
Zhoen, he was probably admiring his reflection in the lens ;^)
RR, I like that idea. I think the market might be fairly restricted though — but maybe we'd have fewer arachnophobes if toys like that were more common?
EC, here in Aotearoa we don't have to worry about things like that — except for the tree nettle (ongaonga), and although that has a bad reputation, I've only ever known it to leave my skin somewhere between tingly and numb for a few days. Australia, however, ... now that's a different story ;^)
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