At the top of the No. 1 Line track this afternoon, several of these beautiful crane flies were bumbling about in the grasses near the seat. I'd given up on the idea of trying to photograph them because they refused to settle, but I'd no sooner resumed my scribbling and sipping tea than this one finally latched onto a grass stem.
[30 January 2014, Olympus OM-D EM-1, 60 mm f2.8 Macro , ISO 200, 1/125 at f5.6]
All content © 2014 Pete McGregor
The "creaminess" of this image is almost palpable. Stops me in my tracks when I look at the image.
Thanks Miguel. This and a similar one in portrait format are favourites of mine. The 60mm macro has a beautiful out-of-focus blur, and the overcast light was ideal for this kind of photography.
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