This is the female torrent duck in the Rio Fitz Roy close to El Chalten. Read about the encounter and see the male at the previous post. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to photograph the two chicks — fluffy (but clearly water-resistant) black-and-white balls bobbing in the turbulent shallows.
[11 November 2011, Panasonic Lumix GH1, 100–300 mm at 300 mm, ISO 200, 1/1250 at f8. Heavily cropped.]
All content © 2011 Pete McGregor
Loads of attitude.
When I read about these birds on wiki, I read the description of their coloration as them having "orange underpants." It actually said underparts, but I will always imagine them in orange underpants.
Such an attractive couple, with their racing stripes and orange underpants!
Ah, the female is just as lovely as her handsome mate. Thanks for posting her, too.
She's such a beauty.
Zhoen, well, that's ruined it for me ;^) Still, if it was good enough for Superman to wear his underpants on the outside, who am I to criticise the torrent duck...
RR, they don't come much flashier...
Carolyn, you're welcome. Glad you appreciate her.
Robin, she is indeed.
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