Even after generations of captivity on farms, red deer remain vigilant, apprehensive. When they're sure the human's there to distribute food, they'll approach — the hand-reared hind will even run up to eat out of one's hand — but if they're unsure, they spook easily. They have an unimaginably good sense of smell, marvellous hearing and mediocre vision that notices movement but seems poor at discriminating stationary objects.
All content © 2011 Pete McGregor
That's a very characteristic pose, Pete. I've seen as many as ten or twelve standing in silhouette just behind a ridge line with about that much of their bodies showing, all facing the same direction with pricked ears, monitoring a distant human intrusion.
Lesley, you're right — it's so characteristic. Everything seems tensed, waiting to spring into flight in an instant.
Hope life's becoming a little less nerve-wracking for you now. I saw a report today from the scientists, suggesting the likelihood of big 'quakes is diminishing.
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