Places like this — small, dimly lit, packed with an enormous diversity of products, staffed by enthusiastic and knowledgeable people — seemed like the kind of places that might, somewhere among the profusion, hold treasure. This shop did — the rich red-gold of top quality Kashmiri saffron.
[20 January 2007, Canon 20D, 24–105 mm f4 L at 24 mm, ISO 200, 1/15 at f4]
All content © 2011 Pete McGregor
What a charming portrait of the shop and its proud attendant....I can smell the spices from here.
The www.connection is great.
I'll just stand here and sniff.
Probably not much different from spice shops for thousands of years. The internet has been a boon for small businesses all over.
RR, the attendant was excellent — highly professional without being excessively pushy.
Zhoen, many of the smells in India are horrendous; however, some are exquisite. Spice markets are a good example of the latter, except when they're heavy on the chillies — those can be hard on the eyes, and not because of the gorgeous colours.
I love me a spice market. Never been to one in India, but have in Marrakech. Off to Istanbul next month and the spice market is first on my list. If the saffron from there is half as good as the stuff I got on Morocco, I'll be a happy girl.
Love this photo Pete.
Thanks Leonie. I find spice markets wonderful places. The smell of the dried fruit market in Delhi ranks as one of the most delicious I encountered in India, too. Good luck for Turkey — I'll look forward to seeing some of your wonderful photos from there :^)
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