Some of the temples in India seemed incomprehensibly intricate. To have built something like this seems an extraordinary accomplishment, but I found myself unable to comprehend the effort of keeping it clean. This, I suppose, is the power of belief and commitment.
[13 February 2007, Canon 20D, 24–105 mm f4 L at 105 mm, ISO 200, 1/800 at f11]
All content © 2011 Pete McGregor
Your photos from India are always breathtaking, and I've been missing them. Thanks for this!
Amazing at so many levels (including how and why?) - lace in the sky.
I appreciate the cloudy background. I imagine it would be blindingly bright against clear blue.
Thank you Barbara. With luck I'll be able to return to India and come back with more photos. Meanwhile, however, South America's only a few weeks away ;^)
RR, I had to be very careful with the exposure to make sure the sky didn't burn out into nothing. Glad I took some care with it — the photo brings back good memories.
Wait. You're going to South America??
That's awesome. Can't wait to see the photos from your trip.
I can't imagine having to clean that building - my bathroom tiles are enough to keep me busy!
Leonie — yep. Off to Ecuador in a few weeks. Should be in Patagonia by November ;^)
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