Some great light here in the valley lately, particularly in the evenings. But we've had no substantial rain for a very long time and feed has begun to run short; Federated Farmers has asked for the region to be declared in drought.
[11 January 2011, Canon 20D, 24–105 mm f4 L at 105 mm , ISO 200, 1/125s at f8]
All content © 2010 Pete McGregor
Hi Pete
Happy New Year
Is this situation unusual for that part of the region shown in the picture?
Here in Barbados since Hurricane Tomas, the rain has taken on the pattern of the monsoon not at all characteristic of a tropical region.
Paterika, we often have dry summers (and wet ones too); occasionally the dry spells become true droughts, to the extent that some old trees begin to die (by that stage anything requiring regular watering has long since died). I can't give you figures on "official" droughts in this region, but unless we get good rain soon, this will certainly be one to remember.
This is another of your photos that leave me tongue-tied, and I mean that in a very good way. I am quite a fan of black and white photography anyway, but this says many thousands of words. Beautiful.
Thank you Barbara :^)
This photo reminds me of the words to a hymn from my boyhood church days: “The morning breaks the shadows flee...“ and then it would go on to say, “The clouds of error disappear before the rays of truth divine;” But you’re right on about the light (and shadows) -- good contrast.
Thanks Paul. I like that phrase, "The clouds of error", and the whole quotation reminds me of something William Blake might have written.
I love this image. More so now because I have a sense of the place from our brief visit.
I hope the rain we've had on the east coast has also drenched your thirsty valleys and provided some relief.
Leonie, I'm glad you can picture it in your mind as well as on screen.
We had good, soaking rain and the drought's over for a little while at least. We're back to baking temperatures now, though.
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