Just over a year ago we stayed at Wanaka and explored the area on day trips. One day with the weather ominous we visited Cromwell, where this horse seemed disturbed by what might be happening out of sight on the cart to which it was harnessed.
[14 January 2010, Canon 20D, 24–105 mm f4 L at 24 mm , ISO 200, 1/500s at f8]
[My Internet connection has been down since Wednesday evening, hence the delay in posting.]
All content © 2011 Pete McGregor
It's a mock up, but it does have personality. A bit of 'wild west' looks like to me. Different west.
True, Zhoen. Who knows what those cowboys got up to when the horse had those blinkers fitted?
It seemed to fit the feeling of the place. I liked it.
I think the feeling was mutual when horse and I met. I had to give a double double take!
My very first thought when I saw the photo was, "I wonder why he gave so much grain to the image?"
This is petty funny. Talk about a tacky lawn ornament (although poor fellow, I hope I didn’t hurt his feelings).
Miguel, I'm sure the modeller would be delighted.
Paul, you should see some of the lawn ornaments here...
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