We saw many southern reedbuck (Redunca arundinum) at South Luangwa, their slightly redder and distinctly shaggier pelage making them easy to distinguish from the ubiquitous impala.
As I said in a comment to Barbara on the previous photo, South Luangwa's a wonderful place and I wouldn't hesitate to go back there if circumstances allowed.
[11 May 2007, Canon 20D, 300 mm f4 L IS, ISO 400, 1/200 at f4]
All content © 2010 Pete McGregor
Reminds me of this guy I used to know...
Shaggy and slightly startled-looking? I've met a few people like that, too.
The details are beautiful. Those eyes and eyelashes, the rich furriness in his very alert ears. A moment of curiosity before flight.
Thanks Robin. Actually, one of the great things about South Luangwa is that the animals were generally relaxed around vehicles and people. Vigilant, certainly, but the danger was mostly from non-human predators (we actually got to see two lions hunting impala). Of course, in parts of the park more remote from the main tourist areas, poaching might be a problem.
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