Ranthambore (or “Ranthambhore”) is one of India’s most famous National parks and is renowned particularly for its tigers: Machali (or Macchli) alone has been estimated as being worth over $US100 million to the Indian economy. Even if the estimate reflects a degree of wishful thinking on the part of the bestowers of the award, there’s no doubting Machali’s economic value. While I’d like to think her true worth far exceeds her economic value, it’s likely to be the latter that will carry most weight in decisions about tiger conservation.
Oh — and langurs like the two above do end up on the menu for tigers.
[28 February 2007; Canon 20D, 300 mm f4 L, ISO 400, 1/1000 at f5.6]
All content © 2010 Pete McGregor
Tagging it "people" would be entirely appropriate. It reminds me of someone...
Scores pretty highly on the cute scale, I'd say! Love the colour of their fur, too.
Your 'Tiger Tucker' tag is healthily realistic, too!
Yes, Anne-Marie, I can guess ;^)
The fur is even more silvery in real life. I suppose I shouldn't, but I do like these more than the rhesus macaques. There's a kind of grace about them. Both species are unnervingly human, however.
RR, the "Planet Earth" episode "Seasonal Forests" has spectacular footage of a tiger hunting and catching a langur. Grim viewing, but thought-provoking.
This photo is striking and it leaves me speechless. These aren't monkeys, I know, but I found myself thinking of a YouTube video of a monkey taunting some tiger cubs ... priceless!
Thanks Barbara :^)
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