We slept on board the Evangelista at Puerto Natales and set sail before dawn. Apart from the crew, I was one of the first up, not wishing to miss anything.
[Pohanginapete has a new post. Short, but it means the blog hasn't died.]
[6 December 2011, Panasonic Lumix GH1, 14–45 mm at 14 mm, ISO 800, 1/6 at f8]
All content © 2013 Pete McGregor
I can quite understand that reluctance to miss out. Those mountains in the distance are simply stunning - thank you.
I love the rosette on the boat poles contrasting to the cold blue of the mountains. A hint of warmth in an aloof world.
Ah, all those times standing watch on a ship's deck... watching for scything birds or dark forms in the water...
How good to catch that first glint of sun, and the wonderful scenery ahead.
Such promise!
Few better ways to start a day than standing on a deck with a sky and mountains like those around you, the water lifting you ...
Thanks everyone. Seems you all have a good feel for what it's like in that kind of situation.
I can understand why you wouldn't have wanted to miss a moment ... I love quiet morning days at sea ... and that bit of red adds pop ... and life ... to the image.
Thank you, Erin. Those early mornings still seem vivid to me, and I'm confident they'll stay with me for good now.
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