Despite its proximity, the Tararua Range remains largely outside my direct experience. I guess the Ruahine's just too appealing: it's closer, less populated and has better weather (which says more about the notorious Tararua weather than the Ruahine's weather).This is the view from the edge of my terrace in the Pohangina valley.
[29 April 2011, Panasonic Lumix GH1, 100–300 mm at 108 mm, ISO 400, 1/250 at f6.3]
All content © 2011 Pete McGregor
And that wonderful light again.
Thank you, RR :^)
I'm very lucky to live in such a beautiful place.
Kia ora Pete,
"You should have been told
that within you was the gold
mountain and river paid you no fee
mountain melting to river
river to sea" - Denis Glover
Heading back into the Ruahine in two weeks time Pete, and views like this stir my soul. I too have a bias for the Ruahine but always appreciate such a scene :)
Kia ora Robb,
Sorry about the long delay in responding — I kept getting a "Blogger unavailable" message (hence the lack of a new photo, too — something I'll remedy shortly).
I love "Arawata Bill" — classic Glover, and a poem that says a lot about what I feel, too.
The hills should have quietened down now: the stags have stopped roaring and the duck killing season's given a lot of shooters another focus. Best wishes for a peaceful return to the Ruahine, Robb.
yes, you really do have a magnificent view and i love that you have the mad photo skills to capture it's beauty and share it with us.
i particularly like the colour of this photograph - the goldy-orangey-russet tones - lovely.
Cheers, Leonie :^) That evening really was a beauty.
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