Not the most flattering of expressions (apologies, Zac), but it conveys the intensity that saw Zac win the expert category at Baring Head last month. This is one of the harder problems, on the Lean-to Boulder. Although not obvious from the photo, this problem's significantly overhanging (most of us would find it extremely difficult even if it was straight up and down). The north end of the Long Wall rises up only a metre or two behind this face, so a fall can be nasty (note the spotter's hand, ready to guide Zac to a safe landing if necessary).
[26 February 2011, Canon 20D, 10–22 mm F4 at 22 mm, ISO 200, 1/1000s at f8]
All content © 2011 Pete McGregor
Wonderful intensity.
Zhoen, I think it's that kind of intense focus that creates much of the appeal of this kind of climbing. Everything reduces to that one next move, or a short sequence; everything else gets forgotten. I suspect it's much like meditation, despite obvious differences.
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