On the eastern side of Wellington harbour, the two lighthouses at Pencarrow Head indicate not just safe passage, but the desirability of forethought when erecting lighthouses. Apparently, the original on the hill was so often obscured by low cloud that a second had to be built on the shore.
[21 January 2010; Canon 20D, 24–105 mm f4 L at 24 mm, ISO 200, 1/320 at f8]
All content © 2010 Pete McGregor
All content © 2010 Pete McGregor
These brilliantly white lighthouses, these pristine beacons, leave me a little speechless. Aah. I know. The shoreline in this photo makes me think of Ireland. I can feel the quiet in this composition.
Such a wonderful photo on a hot summer's day (up here....)! Thanks!!!
Spotted the one on the shore immediately. Had to read your text before I looked for the one on the hill.
One of those executive decisions by a far off agency looking at a map. "Well, a hill is an ideal place for a lighthouse, put it there."
*lighthouse geek alert*
The one on the hill ["Old Pencarrow"] would have worked great if not for the low cloud. I have to say, though, every time I've been through Wellington Harbour Old Pencarrow has been clearly visible.
Old Pencarrow is so pretty, but New Pencarrow is kinda ugly. It's a strange lighthouse, just plonked down in the middle of a shingle beach there. That one was built in 1904. Old Pencarrow in 1858, NZ's oldest lighthouse, and the only one to have ever had a female keeper!
That's more than enough lighthouse geekery from me. I love this picture. Those gorgeous barren hills of the south coast ...
Barbara, thank you. I haven't visited Ireland but from what I've seen secondhand I'm sure you're right.
Aputsiaq, thank you :^) I could do with a hot summer's day right now — we've just been through a bitterly cold week, and now it's turned to rain.
Zhoen, the irony is that those responsible for the original lighthouse should have known better: they were Wellingtonians.
Anne-Marie, thanks for the geekery! I thought you might appreciate the photo ;^)
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