As we approach late winter the deciduous trees look like 3D fMRI scans of lungs. But here and there, a few bright leaves still hang on.
[30 July 2010; Canon 20D, 300 mm f4 L, ISO 400, 1/800 at f8]
All content © 2010 Pete McGregor
Korimako, the New Zealand bellbird (Anthornis melanura), move quickly, seldom pausing for more than a moment. They're often foraging among foliage where they're partly (and sometimes completely) obscured. I still don't have a photo I'm happy with, but this, from the garden next to my place, is one of the better attempts. Unfortunately, it doesn't show the stronger colours (mostly yellows and greens) on the back and wings.
[15 July 2010; Canon 20D, 300 mm f4 L, ISO 400, 1/1250 at f4]
All content © 2010 Pete McGregor