We watched the sunset from the top of the track to Upper Makaroro hut. One savours calm evenings in the Ruahine — they're rare. We certainly savoured this. This looks south down Parks Peak ridge, with the Makaroro valley on the right.
Robb has a moving account of our trip on his blog, with photos that evoke well the spirit of the trip. Go and check it out.
[3 January 2011, Canon 20D, 24–105 mm f4 L at 24 mm , ISO 400, 1/13s at f16]
All content © 2010 Pete McGregor
Kia ora Pete,
Just returned from 3 days with Charlie at Top Maropea and the valley. A very windy and scary crossing of the saddle this morning. Makes moments like this in the mountains all the more relevant. Ones to savour and enjoy at the time like this photo are to be appreciated. I look at those colours and the far off peaks and I recall the smiles upon our faces and how much we relished that sunset. Kia ora Pete.
A quiet, reassuring image. Reminds me of times when I've been hiking all day, and just before the descent, I stop to take a last look at the peaks before descending into the forest.
Lovely to read such a stirring post as that of your friend, Robb. Looking out my windows this past week I've seen much of winter's beauty. I hope I never get tired of the sight of a sunrise or sunset, and what a fabulous sample you've shared. Thanks! ;0
Kia ora Robb. Maybe you needed a heavier pack when you were crossing the saddle? (Just kidding ;^)) Even down here the winds have been powerful, so I can imagine what it must have been like. Glad you both made it back safely.
Miguel, often I'm only too pleased to drop down off the tops into the shelter of the forest, but on evenings like this the descent's always tinged with a little sadness.
Barbara, I can't imagine you'll ever tire of these kinds of scenes — your comments consistently get to the essence of the photo. Thanks :^)
Thanks for linking to Robbs blog too. It was great to see his photos, and read of his experiences, from your trip as well :)
Cheers Leonie. It was a great trip.
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