As I drove back down the No. 1 Line road I noticed a hare feeding on the far side of a small gully. I stopped the car, picked up the camera, and wound down the window. Fortunately, I had the telephoto zoom mounted, but I've still had to crop this substantially.
Notice the split ear. I could guess at the cause, but I'd probably be wrong.
[17 November 2013, Panasonic Lumix GH1, 100–300 mm at 300 mm, ISO 400, 1/400 at f8]
All content © 2013 Pete McGregor
Wonderful capture - I like the pinecone too.
Beautiful!He/she obviously has a telephoto zoom lens in place too.
Wild, beautiful, wary and solid, worthy of it's own small god.
EC, I agree about the pine cone. Can't say I had much choice, but I'm glad it was there!
RR, it definitely knew something was up. Might have been mostly the sound — the car not continuing down the road as expected — because it seemed unperturbed when I first stopped.
Zhoen — beautifully said. Thank you.
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