When we left Leon Kinvig hut for the steep climb out over the Ngamoko Range, mist still clung to the sides of the valley. Mornings like this in places like this make the heart sing.
[7 January 2013, Panasonic Lumix GH1, 14–45 mm at 14 mm, ISO 200, 1/500 at f11]
All content © 2013 Pete McGregor
Looks like you are enjoying some good summer weather and memorable hikes into the Ruahine! :-) Happy for you! -Maureen
Maureen, we've had a remarkable run of fine weather — so much so that it could be considered a drought. Summer came late, but has certainly been making up for it.
How beautiful!
Kia ora Pete,
Oh my!! I keep looking every morning at the blue skies and toward the Ruahine. Then get in my car and drive to work. Moments like yours here let me do it with a smile though! Mostly. Gonna plot a short get away, no doubt the good weather will be long gone by then :).
RR — it was very beautiful, and I hope to enjoy it again soon.
Kia ora Robb. Yes, got to make the most of the weather while it's around. Mind you, crossing the Ngamoko in this heat could be somewhat trying ;^) Still, the rewards are worth it — as you know, so well.
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