Towards evening we stopped somewhere along the roughly two thousand kilometre route between Bariloche and El Calafate. Just before the bus pulled over, a gaucho galloped a band of wild-looking horses along the main street of the little town. We turned onto this side street and parked just past the farmacia. The place felt like the legends of Patagonia.
[8 November 2011, Panasonic Lumix GH1, 14–45 mm at 14 mm, ISO 200, 1/1000 at f11]
All content © 2012 Pete McGregor
It looks like a legend...or at least the start of one.
I love those extraordinary shadows.
That blue, that particular blue, and the shadows of unknown trees. Without those two elements, it would look like any number of roadsides in the south of my own state, or the southwest in whole.
RR, the shadows of those pollarded poplars struck me, too. As you say: extraordinary.
Zhoen, I find it fascinating how subtle details — e.g. a particular blue, as you point out — can have such an impact on the feel of a place. You make a good point, too: differences are the complement of similarities. I've found it important, while travelling, to pay attention to both.
Love the colors and shadows.... this does exude the feeling of wild Patagonia. (Don't you wish you could have hopped off and explored here for a few days? Well I guess you could have but you might never have returned!) _Maureen
Maureen, I think one of the appeals of Patagonia is that it feels as if you really could get off a bus somewhere and simply disappear.
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