The evening before the so-called 'Supermoon', back in May this year, I stepped out the back door and saw this. Perhaps a similar photograph the following night, when the moon was perfectly round, might have been better. On the other hand, slight imperfection has its own kind of beauty.
[5 May 2012, Panasonic Lumix GH1, 100–300 mm at 100 mm, ISO 200, 1/25 at f16]
All content © 2012 Pete McGregor
Pete, the Japanese have a moon-viewing ceremony in October - not at full moon, but on the night after, because the slight asymmetry is considered to be more beautiful.
Glad to see you've been able to surface today!
Perfect is dull. This is lovely.
Lesley, that's fascinating. I'd heard of the moon-viewing ceremonies, but had assumed it was during the full moon. Thanks!
Zhoen, thank you :^)
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