Left to right: Spencer's Principles of Ethics, Volumes I and II; Bantams, by Jack Hutton; Household Poultry Keeping; Poultry Keeping: Part 5—Chick Rearing; Bantams and Miniature Fowl, by W.H. Silk (First edition). The books about chooks date from the middle of last century; the two volumes of Spencer's work were printed in 1892.
[4 March 2012, Panasonic Lumix GH1, 100–300 mm at 100 mm, ISO 200, 1/40 at f4.5]
All content © 2012 Pete McGregor
An interesting juxtaposition of books.
I can feel and smell those from here. I'd like to have a look at the chook books some time.
The wall behind the books remind me of the sky just before a storm. Let all the good words pour!
Huh, we’re on the same ‘page’, mate. My wife and I just came back from attending the ‘Antiquarian Book Fair’ in Pasadena, CA, for three days. And get this: I purchased a book from an Aussie dealer. It was a first edition (1924) of May Gibbs’s ‘The Little Gum-Nuts -- Chucklebud and Wunkydoo’. It’s a real treasure.
Elephant's Child, I should point out I haven't read Spencer's Ethics — the books were a gift!
RR, I spent a lot of time as a boy reading the chook books. They're here whenever you want to look at them ;^)
Robin, I know what you mean — central New Zealand was hit by a "weather bomb" on Saturday. Nothing to speak of where I am, but we did get skies like that.
Paul, definitely on the same page. I have a handful of old books, most worth nothing in terms of money, but great to handle and browse — a link to the past.
Just a head’s up, Pete. It was a real surprise how much ‘some old books’ are worth while attending the book fair. And I used to own some of them, but never kept them! If it’s, I would say, maybe around fifty or so years old at least, and it’s a notable book, and a ‘first edition’(very important), and with a dust jacket (not crucial, but definitely a real plus), no library or other institutional stamps or markings, then you may have something more valuable than you ever thought. Just sayin’.
Thanks Paul. You might be right — I just hope the books that turn out to be valuable aren't those I want to keep!
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