Almost every day a thunderstorm broke on the coast of Ghana. Welcome, albeit partial and temporary, relief from the tremendous, debilitating humidity.
[7 April 2007, Canon 20D, 10–22 mm F4 at 16 mm, ISO 400, 1/30s at f10]
All content © 2011 Pete McGregor
Hey, that’s me walking down the beach! -- NOT! Sure wish I was on *that* beach, though, and in Africa; sounds pretty exotic. This beach appears to be quite isolated, although the ‘umbrella’ might hint that there is a hotel or resort near by. Unfortunately the beaches here in southern California are not quite so unpopulated.
Technical: Just wondern’ why would you shoot at ISO 400 instead of a lower ISO? Wouldn’t 100 be better, especially for outdoors?
Didn't you once talk about wanting to move out of the bone-chilling winters of New Zealand? Debilitating humidity... heh heh. Sounds like summer in Japan!
Gorgeous. But then, I love storms.
Paul, This was at Green Turtle Lodge (excellent). Many guests camp in hired tents — I had my little one-person Macpac tent and was the only camper who stayed dry ;^)
I could have lowered the ISO, although I wouldn't have taken it down to 100 — that setting has no advantage over ISO 200 other than allowing slower shutter speeds when that might be desirable (e.g. for photographing moving water). In fact, for the 20D, ISO 100 and 200 are essentially identical in terms of sensitivity (and therefore noise). ISO 400 gave me one stop extra speed (a thirtieth of a second instead of a fifteenth), but in retrospect (and in theory) I'd have been better dropping the ISO to 200 and regaining my one stop by opening the aperture, particularly at 16 mm. In practice, it's neither here nor there — the slight noise in the dark cloud was easily removed in Lightroom (which has wonderful capabilities for this, now); moreover, noise doesn't bug me to the degree it seems to bug many pixel peepers. But a good question, Paul, and the most accurate answer is I probably forgot to check the ISO setting!
Miguel, being warm's one thing, being in a perpetual sauna's another. The heat in Gujarat had reached tremendous levels by the time I left, but it was dry heat — Ghana's heat was entirely different. I'm surprised how quickly I adapted to it, though, at least to some degree (PTP).
Zhoen, me too. Exhilirating.
How does the heat in Ghana compare to, say, a summer day in Houston or Altanta? Is it that much worse?
Marc, I don't know, because I've never been anywhere near Houston or Atlanta. I suspect the heat and humidity would be worse in Ghana, though, simply because I can't imagine how it could be worse. ;)
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