22 November 2016

Rickshaw driver, Nepalgunj

He looks young, but he drove his rickshaw like a pro. I was only an hour or two in Nepalgunj after getting off the flight from Kathmandu, but I liked it.

Finding time to post photographs isn't easy when travelling, and I'm aware I still need to post on the main blog. I do have an Instagram account, though, and posting there's more efficient.

All content © 2016 Pete McGregor


  1. Loving these portraits, the direct gaze into the camera lens that makes you feel as if you've suddenly made eye contact with someone in a distant land. And I like the reflection of the photographer in the mirror here!

  2. Thanks gz :-)

    Lisa, I'm glad you're enjoying them, and I hope to share many more.

  3. Zhoen, he had no English at all, but he had a good nature and a sense of humour.


Constructive criticism is welcomed (I particularly appreciate thoughts on what you like and don't like), but please keep it courteous.