15 July 2010

No. 1 Line track

I climbed to the top of the No. 1 Line track last week, taking it easy because I hadn't been in the hills for a while (some sections are as steep as a hen's face and can knock the legs around a bit, particularly when descending). I rested a little while at the top; scanned the headwaters of Matanganui Stream with the binoculars in the hope of seeing a deer (I didn't); wandered around a little, photographing — again, for the first time in a while. As I was about to start the descent, sunlight rolled over the top of the track, while the main range in the background stayed in the shadow of the cloud.

[2 July 2010; Canon 20D, 24–105 mm f4 L at 32 mm, ISO 200, 1/100 at f16]

All content © 2010 Pete McGregor


  1. 'Steep as a hen's face' is about as descriptive as 'pissed as a newt'.
    Wonderful light in the photo, too!

  2. Yes, that phrase 'steep as a hen's face' is wonderful - wish I'd known of it a bit ago when we climbed to some falls at a local state park. I know what you mean about the calves!!! The light in this is fantastic. That stripped tree trunk projects defiance, to me, against that brooding mountain and the lowering sky. Superb - and thank you ;0

  3. RR, Barbara — thanks. The phrase is an old one, part of family history; I've heard it occasionally in other situations, but don't know how widespread it is. Like many of these old expressions, its use is probably declining — sadly, in my view. But "pissed as a newt" still has substantial currency in New Zealand. Ironic, really, given we have no newts ;^)

  4. Actually, I just saw this onscreen from a distance and it looks like a lightning bolt hurled down by Zeus and lodged in the foliage there.

  5. Lots of movement in this one. Nice!


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