13 July 2010

New friend

We got together with friends at Eastbourne over the weekend. George had arrived in April and seemed to have taken over rather well.
[10 July 2010; Canon 20D, 24–105 mm f4 L at 24 mm, ISO 400, 1/8 at f5.6]

All content © 2010 Pete McGregor


  1. What a benevolent, furry overlord.

  2. Zhoen, indeed. He managed to get me prostrating myself in front of him for this photo.

  3. "He managed to get me prostrating myself in front of him for this photo." Yes - and I have the photographic proof of that.

    This is a gorgeous photo. He looks so sweet and cute. No hint of his inner man-eating tiger!

    [PS. Word verification is "cattery"!!

  4. Thanks Anne-Marie. Good thing I am impervious to the charms and wiles of cats ;^)

  5. A truly grand perspective. Quite a beautiful kitty cat.

  6. He is that, Robin. He also has an extraordinarily long and handsome tail, which his owners — oops, I mean staff — suggest is an indication he'll grow to become very large.

  7. What a mellow guy...my two are camera shy...

  8. Indeed... mellow until he decides to play at 0430hrs. Then he is simply 'angelic'

  9. Beadbabe and Anon (I'm guessing you're not so anonymous) — I suspect George's mellowness is highly selective. However, I have to say I was impressed by how tolerant he was of a bunch of new humans.


Constructive criticism is welcomed (I particularly appreciate thoughts on what you like and don't like), but please keep it courteous.