28 November 2008

Camo cat on carpet

Jimmy asleep on carpet
They assume (correctly) one will notice them and avoid stepping on them, even when they're asleep and almost invisible on the most-used area of kitchen floor. [Jimmy a.k.a. Tigger; 23 November 2008]

All content © 2008 Pete McGregor


  1. Or when I'm busy in the kitchen, a silent paw goes under a raised heel...

  2. Zhoen — ah, the voice of experience.

    Emma — millennia of evolution have adapted cats to blend in with kitchen floors so they can ambush unsuspecting food.

  3. Great texture in this. Perfect for B&W.

  4. Thanks Michael. It works reasonably well in colour, but certainly not as well as it does in B&W.


Constructive criticism is welcomed (I particularly appreciate thoughts on what you like and don't like), but please keep it courteous.