16 March 2013

We're all just passing through

Based on a photograph. Nothing more to say, only in part because I'm pushed for time.

All content © 2013 Pete McGregor


  1. Those trees are kind of ghostly. Which side.... Where.... What about that light? I like it.

  2. Michael, it does have that look. I wonder where that might take me...?

  3. How very true your short sentence is. We ARE all just passing through... every tree, every leaf, every person, every experience, a fleeting breath in all of time.

    What then, to do with that time? How can I best make the most of it, grasp it firmly with both hands and live it all I suppose...


  4. Leonie, I think one key — maybe the most important? — is to pay attention. To notice, and to appreciate. I think you already know that, though.

  5. yes, to notice. indeed Pete

  6. Intriguing image. It fires up the old imagination and leaves me reaching out for new narratives. I love when that happens!

  7. Brenda, yes, I like photographs that suggest more than they show and leave room for the viewer's imagination.


Constructive criticism is welcomed (I particularly appreciate thoughts on what you like and don't like), but please keep it courteous.