Late last night we returned from the jungle after four days (three nights) at Samona Lodge in the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve — a wonderful time and excellent value. I'd tried to keep my expectations low but still hoped to see a few special animals, in particular the strange, prehistoric-looking hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin) and a sloth (for RR). The hoatzins were no problem (photographing them from a canoe was a different matter), but sadly the sloths remained invisible.
[31 August 2011 (Ecuador), Panasonic Lumix GH1, 100–300 mm at 300 mm, ISO 400, 1/200 at f5.6]
All content © 2011 Pete McGregor
Strange, insane looking creatures.
What a magical mystery tour for you. Were you close enough to truly experience the Stnkbird?
It's approriate that the gentle smiley sloth remains invisible, like the Cheshire Cat.
Zhoen, they do have a slightly crazed look about them.
RR, we didn't get close enough to smell them, although the obnoxious smell I believe is most obvious when they're gutted. I guess smelling and tasting foul's a good way to guarantee survival.
I wonder how many sloths we saw without realising?
What an amazing, intriguing, amusing creature. The tail is interesting ... I just can't stop looking at it long enough to find my words ;0
Barbara, even the sounds they make are weird — wheezing, hissing, croaking. The chicks have claws on their wings, too, making them seem even more primitive and strange.
Even my imagination couldn't come up with a creature that looks like this. To know it exists is actually a delight. Photoshopped by evolution!
Robin, as my brother said, it looks like something Dr Suess might have dreamed up ;^)
Ha. What a crazy looking bird! It _does_ look quite Seussian - I agree
Leonie, my aunt suggested it looked as if it had just tumbled out of bed after a rough night. I agree, and I'm sure I look like that sometimes ;^)
So wonderful. I wish the sloths had come out for you. I am sort of in love with sloths, thinking they are among the most darling of creatures.
Lydia, who knows — maybe they did, but we just weren't good enough to see them ;^)
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